Women's Spiritual Health Group
Women's Spiritual Health Group is focused on spiritual health and well
being and offers a beautiful forum for women to open their and hearts
and engage in a deep level of personal and collective healing.
Heart of Earth Light
This group is at the heart of Earth Light Foundation and Earth Light Institute, providing an opportunity to examine a wealth of spiritual health topics. The general concept of spiritual health is explored, including connecting to, cultivating and creating a
healing mind that is informed by compassion and wisdom and has the capacity to illuminate and transform psychological and physical suffering for oneself, for one's family and loved ones, for the community and planet.
Cultivating a Healing Mind
The women's group helps it members develop a mind or consciousness that is able to respond to life ways that are healing and transformative, offering new perspectives on life challenges. With cultivation of the healing mind we develop the ability to heal and transform old mental and emotional patterns, as opposed to the mind we are used to operating with which often feeds our problems. The healing mind has the capacity to promote positive states of being, such as peace, happiness, compassion, and has the wisdom to learn from our pain, to use it for growth, and to create balance and harmony.
The healing mind is loving and wise and originates from the essence of compassion and wisdom. The qualities of compassion and wisdom are experienced and explored as a core to one's self that is seen as a reflection of a larger spiritual source and creative life power.
Because the essence is part of a greater source of create life energy, the healing mind has the wisdom and power to heal and transform our suffering, and also guides us towards a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in our everyday lives.
A Powerful Healing Field
Through meditation and sharing the group members connect to and open to the core of their essence. As each person opens up individually and then unites collectively, the power of that essence increases in love, compassion, wisdom and healing power - creating a powerful healing field, where new potentials can be actualized and a deeper level of interpersonal harmony can be realized.
As each of our hearts open into a field of compassion and love the level of connection between members deepens and the healing field strengthens for each member of the group.
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Spiritual Health Speaker Series
This group has been so powerful that the women wanted to share this healing experience with other folks who may want to receive healing; who simply want unconditional love and compassion, and who want to gather to discuss meaningful life topics.
Dr. Melissa Dubin, who formed the group and gentaly guides the group process, began to bring speakers into the group to offer education centered around spiritual health topics.
The women began to bring family members and friends to hear the talks and they became so popular that the
Spiritual Health Speaker Series was founded. This Speaker Series is now open to the public, men and women alike, who wish to develop spiritually through learning from great teachers in our communities and who desire to gather in meaningful ways with like hearted folks. The talks offer to the public an opportunity to learn from great teachers and to be with the women of the Women's spiritual Health Group to receive compassion and healing energy for wisdom and transformation.